December Resource Released

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Step over the competition with the new Lean Qualification from KCTS.

Lean Qualification info >>


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KCTS are a specialist provider of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Lean training and consultancy services. We have been in business since 1998, and all of our consultants and trainers have worked within the manufacturing industry for the best part of their lives.

We bring to you a shared wealth of knowledge in best practice from some of the largest corporate organisations to the smallest single product enterprise businesses, from companies across Europe, USA, Canada and the Far East. Many of these businesses are either striving for WCM (World Class Manufacturing) standards or achieving the WCM goals indirectly.

Lean Manufacturing & Training.
Value Stream Mapping.

KCTS prides itself on its approach and success in delivering training in the spirit of true TPM, Lean and cultural change. The approach is not just in delivering the skills and underpinning knowledge but ensuring the candidates are suitably motivated and confident to carry on cascade implementation that is sustained for the life of the business. The development of a partnership, not just with the business, but also to the individuals that operate within that organisation is key to that approach.

All workshops and training programme's are delivered on a basis of living the experience and therefore produce a blend of academic knowledge with a practical experience of what it is and means to the individual. Delegates are taken through a journey of experience that builds the confidence and competence to deliver.

Six Sigma Training.
Lean Training.

The key deliverable on all of our training courses is the development of a 100 day plan which actively encourages the trainees to practically apply the learning in their own environment and thus immediately focusing for a payback on the training investment.

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